About Me

Well hello there!

M’name’s Gaz and I hail from the UK, England to be exact, or Worcestershire to be precise. I won’t go any further…we all must have some space…right?

Anyhoo, I’m a full-time Internet Marketer and have been for over 10 years now. I’m not rich, I only earn about as much as the average worker over here in Britain…but I got no boss! (apart from the missus, that is…and she is the boss…she tells me often enough)

I live in a semi-detached house on a very ordinary road. I drive an average car and take holidays as much as I can. Pretty normal stuff.

I earn my income from my websites and reviews. I have (at the time I write this) 6 websites that I use to promote Amazon stuff. Those websites took about 2 years to pay me…but now it’s all passive income. All I have to do is write a post now and again, say 6 or 7 a week. And that’s it.

Those websites earn the bulk of my ‘wages’…not enormous figures, but getting bigger all the time.

My other income comes from PPC, or pay per click. I use Bing as my traffic source and use the products on Clickbank in my promotions. It’s not my favourite way of earning money, but helps to bump up my income.

Promoting Clickbank products is very easy but eventually when my Amazon websites hit £2.5k a month I’ll stop doing it. I will be happy with £2.5k month…virtually doing nothing to earn it too. Mind. Blown!

At the moment (Jan 2021) I’m earning around £2k per month so it will take me another year to get to my goal.

It’s taken me over 6 years to get this far. The first 2 years I never earned a bean. The next 2 years were when the penny dropped and the last 2 years have been spent ‘getting it’.

Now that I’m comfortable in my earning bracket (or soon will be) I decided to write this blog. I have plenty of spare time on my hands and thought I might be able to help other Internet Marketers out.

What I will do from now on is try to help newbies kill their Shiny Object Syndrome.

Shiny Object Syndrome is when a newbie to Internet Marketing keeps on buying new methods to make money online. This usually involves being sold to by the creators of these products over on the Warrior Forum, Warrior+ or JVZoo.

Some of these methods are nothing but theory and never work. Some of them are borderline acceptable and some (rarely) offer value for money.

The thing is, most of these ‘Shiny Objects’ are cheap…anything from $3 to $27 so are affordable to buy. But when you buy course after course, it adds up quickly and you rarely find any value in them. I know, I used to do this in my first 2 years! I spent a small fortune on these Shiny Objects and learned…nothing!

Well, that’s not strictly true, I did learn to NOT keep buying this crap.

So, here I step in like a Gallant Knight. I buy these shiny objects, review them and tell you if they’re total crap or if they offer any value.

Now let me tell you right here. I’m likely to be attacked for speaking the truth. Outside of a Black Hat forum, you never read bad reviews about these Shiny Objects. Everyone out there is trying to cash in on the poor old newbie. Well, I was a newbie once and I know how it feels to be taken for an idiot who doesn’t appear to know his arse from his elbow!

Those days are over. I now have the time and spare cash to buy and review these things. It will give me something to do. It’s a kind of hobby now and I do find it interesting how some of these seller’s work.

I know quite a few of them already because I’m on their lists and have even bought stuff from them in the past.

I will always buy the product, and go through the OTO’s/Funnels. I will not request review copies, but I may request an affiliate link.

This is a great way of finding out if the creator has confidence in their product. If I don’t get granted an affiliate link (affiliate link means I can get commission for promoting their product if anyone buys through that link) my suspicions will be raised. But if I get an aff link, then I’ll know they’re likely to be not hiding anything.

I know I will be refused a link on many occasions…but I will still review the product.

Obviously, I won’t be able to ‘give away’ their methods, that would be stealing content, but I will be able to tell you if their methods are ‘do-able’

I will try to review at least one Shiny Object a day. I will give it a total score out of 100 with the following criteria:

  • Quality of Material?
  • Can This Be Achieved?
  • Easy to Understand?
  • OTO’s Value
  • FE Value

If a product hits over 75% and 100% or 75-100 points, it will be worth buying

If a Product hits between 50% and 74% or 50-74 points, it’s ok, but needs improving

If a product hits between 25% and 49% or 25-49 points, it’s unlikely to help you

If a product hits between 0% and 24% or 0-24 points, it’s poor and not recommend

I’m likely to see myself being a bit unliked as there is a lot of crap out there, but as a consumer who has bought the course, I’m within in my rights to offer my opinions.

And that’s just what they are…my own opinions. But be assured, those opinions come from a seasoned Internet marketer who earns a full-time living online in the Internet Marketing world.

I offer no bonuses whatsoever…not even when you subscribe. You see a lot of reviewers offering thousands of pounds’ worth of bonuses if you buy a product they’re promoting through their link. Let me tell you now…it’s all PLR crap that you will never use and will sit on your hard drive gathering dust.

Most bonuses are old stuff anyway and do not offer any value. They’re more of a hindrance than anything and they tend to get in the way or end up confusing you.

In all my years of ‘accepting bonuses’ from sellers (and I’ve had thousands) I can count on one hand the ones that have offered any value at all. Bonuses are a pain in the arse! You don’t need them.

I will start reviewing the Shiny Objects in late March 2021 so actually finding my reviews may prove difficult until I get traction in the search engines. This is a new blog, just over a couple of months old at the time of writing, so stuff will take time to get on page one. Just search for the product name with review on the end, and I shall be there somewhere.

I will also produce a few other posts now and again that should help newbies. I’ve already posted some tuts on how to get a domain name, hosting, changing nameservers, setting up WordPress, and others, so keep popping back.

Subscribe if you like and you will get to know what’s good and what’s crap out there. It’s a long journey you’re on…I might be able to make it shorter!

But, no bribes or bonuses…you either want my emails or you don’t. Fair enough?

With that, I hope some of my advice and reviews will help you find that magic state of working from home without a boss.

It’s great!


P.S. Read my Reality Check Post to determine if this IM life is for you!